
Welcome to I-Tart!

Hello, toothpik here, we apologize if you were offended by the second video, we werent thinking at the time, we are truly sorry, we will have no more racist videos.



Welcome to I-Tart! This is going to be one of the best web shows EVUR .This is sopposed to be a random funny show but if that doesnt work out, well be serious! Keep checking the News to stay updated with what were doing! We’re also on YouTube! Click to See Our Channel send us messages, subscribe, and watch our videos!!

Mr. TartMr. Tart!

 I-Tarts Talking Squirl


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  1. Umm dudes…. i ate mr tart (h)


  3. Oh my god! you ate mr tart!

  4. He took a bite and pulled out a large intestine. I told him it was just a guy in a suit.

  5. ok nik i believe u now


  7. niktoon, we cant put that video on. when i took a closer look at the video it was kida embarrising. not saying it was bad, but its not something teens would watch. Oh and i had the idea of making movies, like making fun of movies, like epic movie did. lets make fun of de javu. the movie with denzel washington. and we can make a human version of stick figures on crack. call me and tell me what u think.

  8. niktoon, we cant put that video on. when i took a closer look at the video it was kida embarrising. not saying it was bad, but its not something teens would watch. Oh and i had the idea of making movies, like making fun of movies, like epic movie did. lets make fun of de javu. the movie with denzel washington. and we can make a human version of stick figures on crack. call me and tell me what u think. seriosly, we need to work on this.
    Nik: we need to do some more work, but we can keep the stryline. STOP MODERATING YOUR OWN COMMENTS!

  9. dont talk to me at school, you are not my friend

  10. Devaughn, were not friends any more i hate you

  11. i hate u devaughn and u r a ***** and im glad that ur brother changed my coments and i dont care if u spam me from ur website cause it sucks no offens to ur brother and his friend and also im glad that nailk threw u into the ****** teachers desk i am still mad that u fell on my psp and almost broke it
    Niktoons: WOW! I didnt edit those things, that waz toothpik, but devon is a tart so… GO NICK!!!!!!!!!! Let it allllllll out!

  12. i do not mean that

  13. k then devaughn u have a big fat ****** head
    Niktoons: Try going to toothpiks site. He has an advice blog. You can let everything out.

  14. how do i do that
    niktoons: go to http://www.thatwasfrosty.wordpress.com

  15. I cant do that and I cant get on to see some off ur shows I really want to do
    Niktoons: Our episode our now availible on You Tube, We also have them on the Episodes Page

  16. Dudes Mr tart came over to my house yesterday. He drooled on our front rug and james came and ate him. He screamed in aggony and i told james to spit him out. So then james spat him out and there was cherry filling everywhere! O: So james licked him up and we went and got ice cream.


    P.S your webshow is cool. nice job guys
    Mr. Awsome (Niktoons): I stole the cookies ciz I was hungry, and… why didint you get me any Icecream?!?!?!? Who cares about Mr. Tart, I want Icecream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No, I dont know who you are.

  18. On my behalf of my own self-respect I’ve decided to quit.sry guys but this website was going no where from the get-go.so,bye.I also hope that u guys will forgive me I am truly sry

    Your Friend,
    We forgive you. i actually stopped managing this site anymore. I know, the show wasnt that popular at all. It was fun though. I guess iTarts is dead.

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